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z ällskapet för inhemsk Silkesedling samman-
träder till den : vanliga års-sammankomsten Måndagen
den 51 dennes, kl. 48 på dagen, i Hemmes Maj:t Bretitein-
gens rum å Kongl. Slottet.
Tyotice is hereby given that the Seeond
General Meeting -of the British Residents
Subscribers, to the Fund for the maintenance
of the British Chapel here, will be held at my heuse, Brun
kebergstorg, om Saturday the S39:(h instånmt at neon, lereceive
the Acoounts and Repert ef the Cemmittee om tha affairs
ef the Church, when the attendameo ef the Subseribors is
particularly requested.
British Consulate Steckholm the 21:st Desember 1883.
HU. M. Consul.