An N
(Drottninggatan M 28):
BARTLETT, Pictures from Sicily. With numerous Il-
lustrations. 40 rår 32 8.
— , Walks about Jerusalem and its en-
virons. D:o d:o. 8 rdr.
— , Forty days in the Desert, Witb Illustr.
8 rdr.
GUINOT, a Summer at Baden-Baden. With H-
lustr. 44 rdr.
SIDNEY, the three Colentes ef Australia. With nu-
merous Engraving. 4 rdr 46 fp.
BONOMI, Nineveh and its Palaces. With nomerous
Engravings. 4 rdr 46 fp.
CAPPER, the three Presidencies ef India. With
numerous Engravings. 4 rdr 46 8.
AINSWORTH , Lares and Penates: or Cilicia and its
Governors. å rdr 46 8.
English Forests and Forest Trees, historical, legen-
dary and discriptive. With numereus Ilustrations.
4 rdr 46 8.
STOCQUELER, The Life ef the Duke ef Welling-
ton. 2 vols. 8 rår.
I BANCROFT, History of United States. 2 vols. 5 rdr
4 2 fp.