- p
The Keeps2ke, London 1936,
Landscape Annual, London 1S30—1836, 7 årgån-
gar. komplett samling,
Picturesque Annual, London 1932-—1836, 5 år-
gårgar, komplett samling,
The Booxz of Beauties, 536,
Paris et s:s Environs, 4:0,
London in tbe ig:th Century, 4:0,
V:ews of London, 80,
Tomblesons Views of the Thexse and Bledway, 4:0
The Tourist in Ssitzerland and lHaly, by fh
Boscoe Hardiuvg, 4 vol. 8:0,
The Tourist ia Francz, by Th. Roscoe Har:
ding, 1 vol S:0,
Tae Tourist in Spain, Granada, Alhambra å
Andalusia, by Th. Roscoe Dav. Roberts, 2 Vv. S:0
FTravel!iug Schetches in italy, Tyrol and an the
Rhene, by 5tanfield Ritchie, 1 vol 8:0o
The Sea Coasts of France, by Stanfield Rit
chie, I vol. 8:0.
Scott and Scottland, by Ritchie Cattermole,
vol 3:00.
st Petersburg and Moscow, by Ritchie and Vic
kers, 1 vol. 8:0,
eiler Landscape Annuals, 7 vol Picturesqu
Annuais, 4 vol.,
på Dacel Allehandakontoret.