cinal-Rath. Ste ammar, Doc!or Piof. in bota-
nicks, and Ol :Ca- ling, Prof. Memher of the
Royal Rusal Academy at tockho!m. Besides the
Swedish plants the colleciion of which 1s nearly
complete, there are amorvg those collecteå by Rut-
strö:v, many valuable species rce ived from the lear-
ned Vr Vall editor of Flora Dances, and col-
tected by himself during his i:ravels t-ough Fin-
land, Germany and Hoiland - Vbher: ae also some
speci:s upor which Linecs owe bandwieting still
remains. It consist further oi a precious series of
herbs fram KBast-India and Africa, edlected by
Thunberg, part man, Scla; de: ete; frow Vest-lu-
dia by Euphrastn, Osbeci, Ol swariz etegs from
Westpbalia by Schlechlendai; from New-Zeeland,
by Liudbe:g; from Swizerland, by Schleicher; fiom
Gerosny in gereral. by ink avt Reichenbscieg
from America, by Torrez; from the Levau:, by
Berggren and Hedenbose; frsm Kussia, by Hedeu-
borg and Hejumann. Linse, Wild nowaad poen-
gel are generally followed as to the orrangem ut,
ho ther: is a port as yet not arranged The
whole :s in good condition, and the plavts can ea-
sily be ken out for exuminalion and replaced.
This Herbariumw contaius about uni ec thossand spe-
cies, besides a quaavtiiy of supe Une io and,
as to its worta, the opinion o Bishop Agardb(for-
merly Professo: in Botanicks at the Royal Univer-
sity of Lund) is hamblyeferred to Eighty ponands
English Ste-!ug its the price thesefore demanded.
Stockholu. the 11 July 19836
Adress: Stockholm, Jerntorg ss!reet N:o 40