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terlåvggatan, är till salu, hvarom närmare underrättelse
lemnas på Hr Stadsmwäklaren Stenbergs kontor vid Skepps-
bron, andra kuset N-:rr om Packhuset.
En Kupe-Vagn
uti godt stånd, :niemnad tili salu, hos Saaelmakaren Sved-
berg vid Lilla Nygatan, buset N:o 16.
To be sold by Piivate Contract
The undermentioned small Pack of English bred Hare-
In cozsequence of the deceass of Mr. Joan May, Mr,
Dovg!as wishes to dispose of the whole of his kennet of
Harehouuds, the Breed of whicb, sre from E-glard. Great
pains have been taten in their training, all of them regu-
lar, good bunting Hounds, ruvnirg well together in the
chase, and are accustomed to Fox equally well as Hare.
The selection for breeding and crossing with a well bred
Swedish Bitch Harchound has chiety been by the English
Hovnd named Manny — Fleecer Tru:lass were sent to
Mr Douglas by Mess:rs Tattersalls, Hyde Park Corner,
London, and purchased, as real god Hounrds, to breed
from, and reac-ed tbis Contry in the early part of last
Gamboy by Manny (Exvglisb) out of Sippa - :2d season.
Blue-cap by Man y vut of d:o 2d d:o
Truel!ass, Evglisch Bitch 34 d:o
Magic by Manny out of Sippa 2d d:o
Strumpet by d:o out of d:o 3d d:o
Fleecer (Evglish Hound) 3d d:o
Madcap by Mauny out of Sippa 3d d:o
Gaylass by d:o out of d:o 2d d:o
Doxy by Fleecer out of Trueiass (both Erglish ist d:o
Harlot by Ficecer out of Truelass d:o ist d:o
Sorgster by Fleecer out of St:umpet-rising one year old.
Snella a well known Swedish Bitch was purchased to
breed from, either tbrougb Manny or Eleecer, she and Ro-
setta are both in whelp by Manny, and tbe Produce to be
sold — Manny is not to he svid. :
The Houuads are now in their Kennel at Kongs Norrby,
a short distanee frow Hysby fjöl, and are intended to be
brought from thence to Stockholm as soon as the Canal
becomes open for steam boat navigation. Mr Douglas hives
at N:o 54 at Appelb resgatan, Norrmalm.
till utsäde och fosdergröpning; adress på Lundgren Berg-
mans kontor.
Rofolja, Raffinerad olja, Cichoria, Butel-
jer af Iransk och Engelsk facon, Förhydnings-, Tak, Ta-
pet , Tryck-, Skrif-, Po-t-, limmad! och oli madt kar-
duspa: per, grålt makulatur, Berline: blått, Hödfärg, Röd-
k:ita Alun, Sulläder m. m på G. Sommebi kontor i Dra-
kens gränd vid Sk-pp oron.
Til Utsäde:
Vicker och Thimotei i Mjölbodea vid Röda bodarne,