Fv NM MEK 3 i
ro HFamiiies in Stockholm.
An English gentleman, minus the imaginary English
aretensions, who intends to spend the ensuing Wiater in
stockholm, wshes to be recieved, as board and lodger, in
o some agreable, and respectable family, where the oppor-
tanity of daily conversåtion with a well educated native
ef England, and occasonal assistance in tbe prosecution
of Eoglish studies, would be considered an equivalent for
hs iatrasion of a stranger.
Satisfactory references can be given.
The names and add:esses of tha advertiser, and of those
Families !0 whöm he is pe:mitted to refer, may be obtained
by personal spplication at the office of Aftonbladet; or
dy wristen communication to vDomesticuss, Örebro and