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The 2:d Section of this Railway was eommenced
oc the 2:st of this month in the presenee of the
Directors, Contractör and Officers. Possession being
had of the Land from Skebäck to Dylta, it is arran-
ged that this length is to he opened the early part
of next spring, and a further length if the land can
be readily obtained. The Contractor M:r George
Burge of London having examined the line states
that he can perform 3 Miles a Week, English; in
evidence of this I Mile was formed during the Di-
rectors taking refreshments åc. where all the usual
The London Directors:
The Swedish Directors:
The Engineer Sir John Rennie;
The Contractor M:r Geo. Burge;
The Resident Ergineer M:r L. Watson;
were properly acknowledged within the sound of
Artillery not of cannon but from a more useful appli-
cation of. Gunpowder — Blasting, the Rock