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Engelska Stål-Gravur-Verk:
The Tourist ir Switzerland and Itily, by Th
Roscoce Harding 4 vol. 5.0,
The Tonwist in France, by Th. Roscoe Har-
ding, 1 vol. 8:0,
The Tourist igR Sfpain, Sranada, Alhambra
åndalusia, by Th Roscoe Dav. Beberts, 2 vol.
Travelling Schelches ia Italy, Tyrol and an tie
Rhire, by Stanteld Ritsehie, 2 vol. 8:0,
Treveliing Sc.etches on the Khine, in Belgium
and Holland, by Stanfield ad Fitschie.
The Sea Coasts ot France, by Stanfield Rit-
schie, I vol. 3.0,
Scott nd scottland, by Ritschie Catterm.le,
1 vol. 8:0,
S:t Petersbourg and Moscow, by Ritschie and
WViekers 1 vol än,
elter Landscap: Annuals, 7 vcl Picturesque
Annuals, 5 vol,
på Dagligt Ailehaadakentoret.
Shykespeares Works, w enge; Miltons Paradis
Lost. w. engr.; Pameia, ky Sam Kichardson, 4 vol
w. engr., Cooks Ed; Levisa Mildway, by Keliy, Id.
Ed.; Cbrysal. or Adventures of a Guinea, 3 vol.
1d. Ed., M:rs Radceliffe, The Romance ofthe Fores:
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vol. in 24:0, w. engr. Mar B.: Peter Pindars Works,
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Scenes; A!f. de Vigny, Poetaes et Theatre, 2 vol.
Mar. B; Mad. Cottin, Amelie Mansfield, 2 vol,
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my, Nemesis, 1 vol. in 32:0; Delphine Gay, Ocu-
vre., I vel. in 320; med flere utländska Böcker,
till facila priser. på Dagl. Allehandakontoret.