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Engelska Stål-Gravur-
The Keepsake, London 1828—1836, 9 år-
gångar, kompleti samling,
Landscape Annual, London 1839—18536,
7 årgångar, komplett samling,
Picturesque Annual! Eoadon, 1832, 1834—
1836, 4 årgångar,
The Book of Beauties,
Paris et ses Environs, 4:0,
London in the 19:th Century, 4:0,
Views of London, 8:0,
Waules Illustrated, 4:0,
Lancashire and Liverpool illustrated, 4:0,
Vieivs of Noblemens and Gentlemens Cua-
stiles and Seats in Engiand, 4:0,
Tomblessons Views of the Thames and
Mediway, 4.0,
på Degiigt Aliehanda-kontoret.