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Hos Wiborg ect C:i inlemnadt:
Lex mercatoria rediviva: or the Merchants Di-
rectory belong a complete Guide to all men in
Bussiness, wether as Traders, Remitters, Owners,
Freighters, Captains, Insurers , Brokers , Factors ,
Supercargoges , and Agents etc. ; by the hate Wm
Beawes Esq.; Best edition in folio; edit:s by Th.
Mortimer; i Evg. Skinnband, 13 Rdr 16 sk. Bko.
The Roman history from tbe foundation of Ro-
me to the Battle of Actium , by Rollin ; 16 voll:r
8:o i Eng. skinnband; med gravurer, 25 Rdr Bko.
The aucient bistory of the Egyptiens, Charta-
ginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persi-
ans, Macedonians and Grecians; by Rollin; 10
voll:r 8:o i Eng. skinnband , med gray., 14 Rdr
32 sk. banko.
The Method of Teaching and Studying the bel-
les Letters ete., by Rollin; 4 voll. 8:o0 i Engelskt
skinnband. 6: 16 banko. ka
The age of Lewis XIV by Voltaire, 2 voll. i
ng. skinnband, med grav., 4 Ridr 16 sk. Banko.
Pamela, or virtue rewarded, 4 voll. 8:o i Eng.
skinuband, 3 Rdr 16 sk. banko.
Hos Wiborg et Ci, .
Trait de Legislation , sous exposition des Lois
gcncrales, par Ch. Comte, 4 voll. 8:o. 14 Ridr
Traite de Chimic par J. J. Berzelius, traduit par
Esslinger,2 voll. 8:o, avec une cabier de corrections
peur Je premier volume; 8 Rdr banko,
Cours de Chemie generäle , par M:r Laugier , 4
voll. 8:o au Atlas et Tables aphabetiques, 15 Bdr
Cours de Chemie par M. Gay-Lussac, 2 voll. 8:0,
II Rdr 12 sk. hanko,
Lecous de Chemie, appliquee a Ia Teintvre,
par MM. E. Chevreul, 2 voli. gr. 80. 15 Ridr